новые скилы крафтерёнков в грации
40 Armor Golem - Temporarily equips a summoned golem with an additional armor plate to increase P. Def. and maximum HP. 40 Fatal Strike - Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible.
40 Repair Golem - Repairs a summoned golem.
43 Strengthen Golem - Temporarily increases a summoned golem's attack power and Atk. Spd.
46 Case Harden - Enhances the armor surface to allow an even greater P. Def.
46 Embroider - Embroiders a robe to increase P. Def. and MP recovery speed.
46 Hard Tanning - Tans armor to increase P. Def. and Evasion.
49 Restring - Enhances the string of a bow or crossbow to increase P. Atk. and range.
49 Sharp Edge - Sharpens a bladed weapon to increase P. Atk. and Critical rate.
49 Spike - Adds a spike to a blunt weapon to increase its weight for P. Atk. and shock attack.
52 Summon Merchant Golem - Summons a trader association golem who can do basic transactions. Consumes 5 D-grade Crystals when summoning.
81 Archer's Will - Accuracy and range are increased when using a bow or crossbow. There is also a chance that the physical skill's power and Critical Rate may be increased.
81 Fighter's Will - Attack power and Atk. Spd. are increased when using a short-range weapon. There is also a chance that the physical skill's power and Critical Rate may be increased.
81 Golem Armor - Transforms into a Golem with increased battle abilities.
81 Protection of Alignment - Resistance to tendency attributes is increased, and when damage is incurred, M. Def. and resistance to attributes are additionally increased instantly.
81 Protection of Elemental - Resistance to elemental attributes is increased. When damage is incurred, M. Def. and resistances to elemental attributes are additionally increased instantly.
81 Protection of Rune - M. Def. is increased, and when damage is incurred, additional M. Def. and resistance to attributes are increased instantly.
бугага, бойтесь жалкие людишки (ес свалим на грацию)